It is always sad to hear about the bad reputation that Pit bulls have been given. But I do hope this bad reputation goes away soon. I remember some years ago German Shepherds and even Rottweilers also had bad reputation, but it soon went away and now we all know that German Sheperds are the sweetest dogs ever. I guess all depends on their upbringing; if you traing a dog - any breed - to be vicius, the dog will be vicius. That's why I like to support rescues and organizations like the Orange County Pit Bull Rescue. OCPBR is a not-profit that helps, rescues and takes care of put bulls in need. Their moto is to accept pit bulls from a varitey of unfortunate circumstances and provide them a second chance. Kind of a recovery. Now how great is that!!!
Want to support them too? Come to The Factory in Long Beach this Saturday, February 19 from 5-7pm, 4020 Atlantic Ave., Bixby Knowls, Long Beach, CA 90807. There will be different raffle prizes, pick your price pints, food and a doggie friendly patio. And hey, we have donated a super cool basket. It has cool toys, a wide collar (perfect for any pit bull), some yummy treats and a huge dog food can!
So come check them out, check out The Factory and mingle with us!!! We hope to see you there!!!